The class reviews the basics from in last class and then goes on to explore everything from working with apps working more in depth with settings, learning to make life easier, and more. We learned the main Apple apps last class, and now we will branch out to learn both Apple and other third-party apps to unleash the power of our devices, and make our lives easier. What are the best practices and settings we should know about? How can we make our devices so that they best serve our customized needs?
Participants in this class are encouraged to use their devices during class so we will have a hands-on experience exploring the latest and greatest tips, tricks, and apps for our mobile devices. Questions and answers are part of this workshop.
Liz Weiman will teach this class. You can speak any time to ask questions just like in an in-person class!
Online Seminar – 4 weeks – Every Tuesday, Starts June 2, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. You will receive a link 15 minutes before the class. Handouts will be emailed before every class. This class will use Liz Weiman’s book “100+ iPhone/iPad tricks You Can Do Right Now!” as a reference but it is not necessary to purchase to take this class. All classes are recorded. Limited enrollment
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