How Much Do You Know About…Spices?
Spices have been around for thousands of years, but more and more we are discovering their taste-enhancing and healing powers. Let’s test your knowledge of spices!
1. What is the most expensive spice on the market?
A. Vanilla.
B. Saffron.
C. Allspice.
2. Which spice contains more vitamin C than oranges?
A. Cumin.
B. Tumeric.
C. Paprika.
3. Which spice is used to counter memory loss, arthritis, diabetes, and high cholesterol?
A. Cinnamon.
B. Oregano.
C. Garlic.
4. Which spice has been used over the ages as a remedy
against bad breath, headaches and fever?
A. Peppermint
B. Cinnamon.
C. Nutmeg.
5. A deadly dose of this spice is 3/4 of a tablespoon.
A. Cumin.
B. Saffron.
C. Nutmeg.
6. This spice has performed remarkably well against Alzheimer’s symptoms in multiple studies, and currently out-performs any known Alzheimer’s drug.
A. Garlic.
B. Basil.
C. Tumeric.
7. This spice confuses ants and can be used to stop ant infestations.
A. Peppermint.
B. Pepper.
C. Salt.
8. True or False? Herbs only come from a plant’s
leaves whereas spices come from
from the rest of the plant.
A. True.
B. False.
1. B. Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world because it has to be harvested
by hand. Grown in Iran, India and Mexico, it is used for its flavor but also the color it adds to dishes.
2. C. Paprika (made from bell or chili peppers) contains a lot more Vitamin C than any fruits in the citrus family.
3. A. Cinnamon is used in holistic treatments to help against arthritis, cholesterol, diabetes, and memory
4. C. Nutmeg is an age-old remedy against bad breath, headaches and fever, and is a common ingredient in desserts.
5. B. Saffron ingestion is deadly even with as little as 3/4 of a tablespoon.
6. C. Tumeric (found in curry powder) has been surprisingly effective against Alzheimer’s symptoms in multiple
studies, and currently out-performs any known Alzheimer’s drug.
7. A. Peppermint is very aromatic. Ants communicate by leaving chemical trails for their buddies following close behind. If you sprinkle some chopped, crushed peppermint (or essential oil) near an ant trail, you can break the chemical trail and disband the army.
8. A. True.